July 14, 2020

Good Morning,

It’s summer.  Happy 4th of July. What did you do? Our family stayed together and did a dance party and had fireworks. Usually, my adult kids go out. They stayed with us, it was awesome. It was the best 4th I have ever had. I will never forget it.  Graduation was more memorable. I loved the Parade our neighborhood and family did. The World is not a disaster. We just have to make new norms. We are not robots. We just have to be clean and wear masks. We can make cool masks. It’s a closer world from an emotional standpoint yet more distant from the run around robot race. We all thought Covid19 would go away by now. We prayed for a cure. It’s a bit crazy! We are used to pushing a button and if it does not appear within a few seconds, we click again. The World feels broken but we can fix it by listening and being patient. We are making history. We can invent things and traditions. I want a studio audience but zoom can take me to NY or California for interviews. Teen Say can go worldwide. We all have to be patient and make things new and exciting. It’s a whole New World. Teen Say was just on Outside the Classroom with Ryan Miller from WJLA. Wow! New opportunities exist for us. New dreams can come true. Lights, Camera, Action!!! Get started on a new or old dream.

By the way…People trying to get covid19 are really pushing their fate. It’s uncertain why certain people get so sick or even die from it. It is not a predictable virus thus far. There is so much to learn. Scientists are learning as fast as they can but… give them some time. Take some time to catch your breath.

We must take this time to calm down and remember the prisoners we spoke about in March. They can’t watch TV, Shop and play video games or zoom all day. They are locked up. You are free to go outside and exercise. You can go to Starbucks or your favorite fast food place but you must wear a mask. You can go to the stores that have opened back up  but you must wear a mask and sanitize your hands, clorox your phone, keys and inner car compartment a lot. Buy alcohol wipes in boxes if easier to carry little packets. Costco sells them or did. Be aware of where you touch. Put paint on your hands and do the test little kids are being shown. You have the time. It makes for a great Tik Tok video. When I go to the store, if I touch a shirt, I santitize my hands.  I wear the medical masks from Party City. They are great. I can breathe. They fold up easily. They don’t fall off my face. You can bend the nose part. The ear part fits. These masks are important. Find the one that works for you. Don’t play with your masks in the store. I had a cool July 4th mask Sylvia made me. She is our Social Worker expert. Catch her on our shows.

I use Party City’s sanitizer too because they were the only ones who had it when I needed it. I put a big bottle in my cup holder and use it often like lotion. It’s a new habit. I put the small ones from Wegmans in my pocket or attach it to my purse.

I buy a lot of banners from Oriental Trader and try to make a lot of social distance birthdays or events memorable. Check out our truck in the Graduation Parade. I buy a lot of balloons from Party City because they were doing curbside pick up during quarantine. I love balloons. They are better than flowers. They brighten a day up. I used to tell my kids if their balloon flew away to make a wish. We would let old balloons go and make wishes too. Let’s all make some wishes for a cure together. Hopefully, God will hear us and say we have had enough but until then…find new ways to do things. It’s challenging…we are alive not robots.

What is going on with your School next year? What about sports? What are you doing for the rest of the summer? Have you had covid19? Anyone you know die from covid19? Share your stories….

We at Teen Say want to hear from you. We need to educate you. What do you want to learn? Email us and let’s zoom. Mariann.teensay@gmail.com. If you are under 18 Parents need to zoom for a second to give permission.


Poem by Mariann DiMattina  (1978) after my Grandfather died

We’re Not Immortal

Afraid of  Death, As we shuffle through the Funeral Parlor Door.

Kneel to Pray for the body that once had a soul.

We Pray to God for our loved one to be in heaven;

We ask God for a sign from heaven and Strength to carry on; knowing we are not immortal.

We cry for the return of our loved one.

We cry in fear of the unknown ….

seen through our lost loved one’s closed eyes.


I came to your house, you smiled.

I left, you cried.

I said I’d return,

God said you couldn’t wait.

Love you forever!


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