I have a Christmas Wish! Santa needs a Christmas Miracle. Can you help me make My Christmas Wish come true? It's Christmas! It's a Magical time of the year! It's time to make Christmas Miracles Happen. Let's Change Santa's Image from a Threat to a Reward!
Jesus is a Miracle. He is Love for the World. Santa loves the Children. He brings them toys because Jesus loves the children and knows they have pure hearts and souls. Santa only watches the good children do.
Santa has a New Bell System at the North Pole. He needs our help. Every family should make a Care Board for their family appropriate to their children's ages. Santa's Magic Computer, Snowball gives children their own special bell sound when they are born. Every time a child does a good action by taking care of themselves or helping others, their bell sound will ring. Another bell sound will ring with the type of action they did and the child's name will get a smiley face.
Families should make Good Action Notebooks and give their kids smiley faces after they have shared time with their children after work and school. Families could have a weekly reward system with the notebook. On Christmas Eve those. notebooks filled with smiley faces of visible progress and growth can be left on the table for Santa so he can write a special note to them about their great year. You could save those notebooks as they grow putting special notes in them for childhood memories to reflect on when they are older. You could put pictures in them too.
I have always loved seeing the world through a child's eye. I love to hear what they see and think. I wish I could have been as great as Walt Disney and invented a land of Magic but that task was taken. Instead, I have adopted the next best thing....to Change Santa for the World. Santa is Positive! Christmas is about Jesus! Miracles and Love! How can we threaten children with St. Nicholas/Santa punishing them or watching them like police officers in their "safe homes" through the walls and doors and into their bedrooms?
Children need to know what is expected of them. Every family needs to Make a Care Board for their unique family of various ages and expectations.
Children need to know how to take care of themselves. Give those little ones a bell and have them ring it after they brush their teeth or hair with a parent or grandparent. Tell them Santa hears the bell and sees their good action. Their name will get a smiley face on Santa's Magic Computer. Santa invented the New Bell System and Care Board for Families to Help Children Around the World.
Quick tip for all ages...Adults ring the bell as your child says sorry to his/her sibling and kisses them. Santa does not see the argument only the kiss and love. It works so well on adults laughing too. My sister and I did it. She loved it.:)
I paid to publish the book on bookbaby.com. I'm so Proud of it. I hope it is a Christmas Miracle for Families all over the World to use 365 Days a Year. Email me and let me know your thoughts.
Book Baby.com has it under Magical Christmas Books. Can you buy in bulk from Book Baby or your own book wholesaler for your store or church, you could make a lot of money. Our church is doing a fundraiser this weekend. The book is like $10 or so wholesale for them and it will sell for $25 at the Church. It's a nice profit. Please. help us sell the book, spread the word, and make my Christmas Miracle Come True.
The World Needs a Miracle. A song to sing along. A reason to belong. A note for the tote. A reason for the fight. A way to see the light! Jesus is the Light of the World!
Jesus Loves the Children!