Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

May God Bless the Doctors to find a cure for Coronavirus today!  It’s scary, people we know have been hospitalized and tested. It is really close to home now for so many of us. Prayers, Faith and being like Elsa from Frozen is the only hope we have to stay safe. We need to stay in our castles and protect our families. Frozen is truly the best and easiest explanation I have. Your hands are dangerous. Hang out with the people you live with…and stop the spread!

Dress up today! Have fun! You only have one life to live. Please spend it with family laughing and playing at a time like this. We have time off on a fun holiday to dress green or make things green but not to become green with coronavirus. Enjoy your day. I dressed up a Mickey and Minnie, did the table and I have adult kids. Everyone enjoys showing spirit. Have Fun today! It’s a Beautiful day!

Send us pictures to Mariann.teensay@gmail.com. Teens, please add permission from your parents to do so.

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Into the Unknown…things are changing daily!

Things changed from my first video with Dr. Libby when school would be open until Monday in Fairfax County to my second video with the kids the next day, Friday the 13th when schools were closed until April 10th. Now things are getting even worse! Stop the Spread!

Read my article below! Please share our videos. Feel free to watch them and learn about Football or Concussions or anything we have covered on Teen Say or Dr. Libby’s World of Medicine.

Everyone Stay Healthy. Remember God hears our Prayers. He has made the Government make it easy for you to stay healthy and protect your families.

God Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and the Wisdom to know the difference!

In the Footprints Prayer: God replied, “My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering when you see only one set of footprints, it is then I carried you.


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Coronavirus is affecting teens and kids. “Stop the Spread!”

Teen Say wants everyone to agree to “Stop the Spread!” Coronavirus is taking us all into the unknown. We need to be like Elsa and isolate ourselves but we can hang out with our family. Poor Elsa could not do that. What a great time to watch Frozen 1 and Frozen 2 with your family. We have to go into our castles and close the gates. We have to protect our families and ourselves from the Coronavirus.  The great thing about Spring is, we can enjoy the great weather. We can go for walks or runs. We can play with our dogs. We can finally make time for our loyal friends. How much time do you usually spend with them? We can bike ride. We can hike. It’s like a mandatory vacation for the whole world at the same time. Holidays don’t even give us that! God is giving us the tool to help ourselves. We have all heard the saying, “God helps those who help themselves.” Isolation is the key to us helping ourselves and protecting our families! Stop the Spread! Our hands are dangerous just like Elsa’s hands were in Frozen. They can hurt or kill our family members by contacting the Coronavirus. This is not a movie! This is real life! This is happening! It is crazy but true. It is a great time to go back and watch Disney Movies. Lion King, Frozen, Alladin, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Mulan, Snow White, Peter Pan, Jungle Book and my favorite Lady and the Tramp. It’s a time to reflect, be thankful, write in journals to remember this time in history to share with your kids. Please feel free to email us your video of how you feel to Mariann. teensay@gmail.com. We will try to post as many as we can. Please refrain from sending pointless ones…Share those on Snapchat. But if you want to make a difference and help others..share it with us!

Wear gloves as Elsa did in Frozen to protect her sister and Kingdom…but make your gloves plastic ones to protect your grandparents and parents.  Throw the gloves out when you come out of the store and use your sanitizer! Don’t touch your faces. Wash your hands in soap and water and sing Happy Birthday 2x as Doctor Libby advises. Soap and Water really kill the virus! Try not to touch anything in public. Wash your clothes in hot water. The Coronavirus can survive on your clothes and surfaces for 8 – 12 hours based on real statistics. We must stay out of public places as much as possible. We must understand why we have to stop socializing in big gatherings like sporting events and concerts for a while. We must try to Protect our families from the Coronavirus. We must try to keep our grandparents and the elderly alive. Teens and kids Mariann spoke to are very concerned about their grandparents’ health. It is a legitimate concern Dr. Libby expresses.

Teens can still hang out with their girlfriend, boyfriend or friends that they have been hanging out with if they are not sick and their friends are not sick. They need to be careful their friends have not traveled out of the country or been contaminated by someone who has traveled out of the country or been contaminated by someone who has the virus but it is not what is advisable. It is advised that people stay home with their families. Dr. Libby expresses it is a great time to hang out with the family. He understands the frustration teens have over their sports being canceled but has expressed other teens are in the same situation so no one will surpass them. The competition will not get better than you so that is good news. However, you can practice your sports in your back yard with your families like you did when you were little. Can people take this seriously? Parents will love to watch their teens practice and entertain them. This is Great Family Time. Dr. Libby feels bad for the college students who are missing the end of their first year of college. I want to add as a parent of 4…it’s better to come home…than to die!

Concerned Parents and Teens want to know more…They need to know more… Dr. Russell Libby, the founder of Virginia Pediatric Group since 1982 and the Chief of General Pediatrics at Inova Children’s Hospital tries to answer the questions posed to him by Mariann DiMattina-Gonzalez from Teen Say. The following questions will be discussed in the video. Please share the video if you find it helpful.

  1. What is Coronavirus? 2. Do the masks help? 3. Are teens that use an inhaler during sports more susceptible to the virus? 4. Will a lot of teens lose grandparents to the virus? 5. Can teens hang out with their friends? 6. Can they go out to eat? 7. Can they go to the gym? 8. Will antibiotics help? 9. Will Tamiflu help? 10. When does Dr. Libby think the Virus will end?

Dr. Libby expresses there is a lot of false information being shared. He suggests everyone go to the CDC – Centers for Disease Control for accurate and up to date information. Dr. Libby also expresses Teens and Parents should seek Professional Help if they are overwhelmed mentally. He explains it is perfectly normal to be alarmed at this time. Virginia is in a State of Emergency. The World is in a State of Emergency. “Stop the Spread!”

We are facing an Unknown Virus. The Coronavirus has doctors worried about their families’ health and their own health as they try to go to work and take care of their patients for normal issues like cardiac disease, diabetes and sinus infections. The tests for Coronavirus are not easy to get. Doctors are asking people to call offices if they think they have the virus. They are asking people not to go to the ER and Contaminate others. There has to be proper isolation of people infected to keep the epidemic from getting worse. They are looking forward to a cure; to a vaccine; to the end of this horrible virus. They are eager to learn more from other countries. They do know this Virus! They have gone into the Unknown! We must help Doctors Help Us! Protect them by Protecting yourself. Things and rules are changing every day! Parents now…it’s time to stop the friends…Stop the stores! Stop going to Work if you are not in the medical field or a police officer or firefighter. Be Safe! Everyone take care of each other before we are going to funerals that are full of people you know.

This is not Hype! We are not Exaggerating! Learn Sign Language, a language, an instrument. Google and Youtube are open for non-contaminating business! “Stop the Spread!”

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High School Football Changes Lives!!!

High School Football changed their lives, according to these Virginia State Champions. Coach Rolander from South County High School educates Teens and Parents on the Ins and Outs of HS Football. He shares the semantics of College Scholarships and the importance of Academics. Share this video and educate your friends.

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Distracted Drivers need Million Dollar Car Insurance Policies!

My first father was killed by a drunk driver. Phones cause more car accidents than drunk drivers. Have you all seen the car insurance commercial that states you can buy what you need? How do you know when an uninsured motorist is going to text or read a text and crash into you? How hurt do you think you might be from a head-on collision? Who will pay all your medical bills and time away from work if you don’t have car insurance?

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Fill a heart in February!!

It’s February, a month known for wearing red and sharing feelings from your heart. The stores are selling hearts, roses, diamonds and stuffed toys to say, “I love you.” What if you don’t have a Valentine? What if you don’t hear,  I love you this Valentine’s day? What if you are not getting a huge pink bear? A few suggestions we want to make are:

  1. Make your heart healthy –  Sign up for a Spartan Race, Color in Motion or Tough Mudder and start training on Valentine’s Day to say…I love you to Yourself. 🙂
  2. Make a donation or volunteer for Mended Little Hearts National Organization – raising awareness for 40,000 babies born with congenital heart disease each year.
  3. Get flowerers for your Mom and candy for your Dad, tell them they are the first ones you fell in love with and want to spend the night with them. 🙂 Parents need that! I have four kids. I know 🙂
  4. Go see kids in the Cancer Unit at hospitals and bring them heart toys. Donate toys for teen cancer patients.
  5. Go to Nursing Homes and visit people that have no one. Fill their last chapter of life with love.

Make a Difference this February!!!

Instead of feeling bad for not having a Valentine …Give your heart to kids or adults who need it most.

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Happy New Year! Wow – 2020!!! Channel 25 FCPS will air New Shows and Interviews

Teen Say is honored to be on Channel 25 – Fairfax County Public Schools. Teen Say will still air on Channel 10 – Fairfax Public Access. Teen Say episodes that require a Studio Audience will be taped at Channel 10 Fairfax Public Access. Interviews can also be done at your police station, fire station, hospital, in your office, at your school, with your company or on your field with Remote Cameras. Teen Say has been using a wonderful new editor who is also our new cameraman and future director. We are looking forward to many new shows…HS Football Coaches, Police Mentors, Acting Schools, Musicians, Poison Control and topics you and your friends or parents may want to discuss. Please reach out! We can go out of the box to make a difference. What is your issue? We can get experts to help you explain! What do you want the world to know? Educate Us!!!!

Contact Us! Mariann.teensay@gmail.com or 703-505-4739

We are looking for sponsors to help us educate, share and help others. Teen Say is a non-profit TV show and we can do commercials for small businesses or doctors as well.

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JMU D1 Soccer Coach Educates Teens and Parents!

Teen Say, Host, Mariann Gonzalez finds out what it takes to be Game Ready for D1 Soccer at JMU. Virginia’s Gatorade Player of the year, Clay Obara as well as Golden Gloves Award Winners and Multiple Digit Goal Scorers have signed with JMU for the 2019/2020 School Year. Coach Adam Perron, recruits for JMU. He educates Parents and Teens in this 0ne hour informational video. Coach Adam explains D1, D2, D3; Scholarships; ID Camp Tryouts; Yes, I said Tryouts! For Juniors and Seniors, ID Camp can get your athlete an offer. Coach Perron tells Parents to be their kids’ biggest Cheer Leaders but not to Coach their young adult sons. Helicopter Parents can blow an Offer says, Coach Perron. Coaches talk to each other as well as the Club Coaches before they sign an athlete. Young Adult Men should pick their School based on the perfect fit for them. Becoming Part of a Soccer Family at School is only part of the Journey. The real journey is the daily living at their Dream School and Playing Soccer because they love it! The Goal is to make the Real Team of Life – Independent Men with a College Degree and a Memorable Journey!

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The American Dream was shattered with a Bad Ending…

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Teen Say interviews Encore Performers at the Theatre

Does every little girl or boy dream of becoming a dancer? When Moms and Dads sign their girls or boys up for a dance class….they just don’t know where the child may take it…Did these Dancers make their dreams come true? They are part of the Non Profit – Encore Theatrical Arts Project – Dance Company. Listen to what they have to say. These HS Seniors have lived the dream of dancing(exercise) Friends that became family, traveling to other countries and performing – creating smiles and happy spirits for all that went to their shows through High School – the challenging years of life for some teens that don’t find their outlet.

The Girl Scouts were dazzled during the back stage tour at the theater. They loved the Show and really enjoyed talking to the host of Teen Say, Mariann DiMattina-Gonzalez and the dancers back stage. Check out what they have to say about the show.

Local Gilrs from this company have moved on to become Rockettes on Broadway as well as Performers for Aladdin and Anastacia. They made their first dance class the first step in their show.



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Peter Yarrow is at JMU today in Concert

Peter Yarrow from Peter, Paul and Mary is a dear friend/ Mentor of Mariann DiMattina-Gonzalez’s. He is at James Madison University – Forbes Center for the Performing Arts today doing the Lonesome Traveler: The Folk Music Concert.

Teen Say wants to share this interview with you…

Peter Yarrow is a man that with Paul and Mary has changed the world with their folk music. They stood up for what they believed in. They marched for many causes. They believed that the way to Unite People was to have them Sing Together. The verses in the songs they created were about the things America was trying to Change. Listen to what he explains about, “If I had a Hammer” and “Blowing in the Wind”.

He gave Mariann advise when she was 18 years old. He told her to help people one person at a time. He told her changing the world is helping people – one person at a time if that is all you can do. She laughed and said, if you can’t Sing and reach a quarter million people like you did during the Civil Right’s Movement. He stood on the stage while Martin Luther King delivered his, “I have a Dream Speech” and sang for Equality.

Peter believes if educaters feel themselves united and effected by the music and singing together, they can combat the mean spirited. He is the Founder of Operation Respect and the “Don’t Laugh at Me” theme song in the schools. He has spoken at over 5oo schools and sang with Millions of People all over the World in hopes of Unity and Peace for All.  He has degree in Psychology. He is more than a Muscician, Political Activist or incredible Folk Singer that has Changed the World. He is kind and loving to everyone no matter who they are. He talks to his fans like they are family. He loves everyone…truly an Angel on Duty for the World.  During the current political uproar Peter said, “We have so much work to do”. He said, “Folk Music is more than songs about love and romance, they are about hopes and dreams and changing America”. Singing with Love for Humanity and Peace has been Peter’s mission in creating  Harmony to unite people during Change or when the under dog loses faith. He will stand up with you and for you. His daughter Bethany has joined him in his mission. They wrote “Lift Us Up: A Song For America” that states, ” Unity brings Victory”. We need more Americans to Stand Up!! We Love You Peter for All You DO!!! “Lift Us Up! Make Us Strong!”

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